September 2017

About this website

The first edition of Parenting Express was published in January 2006 and reached a wholly Australian audience, mostly made up of interested members of writers' centres and friends. Six months later, the website reached a global readership, with less then 20% of viewers from Australia, surpassed by readers from the USA, Canada and Europe. The website is growing all the time and is mostly passed on by word of mouth. It is a not-for-profit site aimed at writers and readers who care about parenting and its challenges and joys. If you like what you see, please send the link to a friend.

Parenting Express is updated monthly.


Anne-marie Taplin

Contact me by email




“A gender-equal society would be one where the word ‘gender’ does not exist: where everyone can be themselves.”*

I’ve always been aware of gender conditioning and actively tried to combat any lingering prejudices or stereotypes in my own parenting, even down to encouraging dolls with my boys when they were little. It’s great to read people writing about gender issues they’re experiencing with their kids. For too long these subjects have been discouraged or silenced. I’d love to publish some more creative writing on this topic, especially if you are struggling with a child who actively tries to move away from gender normative preferences. A society where everyone can be themselves – thanks Gloria for those aspirational words.

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* Gloria Steinem